6 Ways To Fuel Workplace Motivation Through Positive Company Culture

As a leader, you understand the importance of having a motivated and engaged workforce. One of the key factors that can influence employee motivation is the company culture. In this blog, we will discuss how company culture shapes employee motivation and how you can create a positive culture that fosters employee engagement and productivity.

What is Company Culture?

Company culture as defined by Harvard Business Review is “the set of processes in an organization that affects the total motivation of its people”. A positive company culture can create a sense of belonging, trust, and respect among employees. On the other hand, a negative culture can lead to low morale, high turnover rates, and a lack of motivation among employees. 

An interesting 2021 Global Culture Survey shed light on the disconnect that is often seen in workplaces around company culture. In the survey, 63% of leaders reported having a distinct corporate culture that set them apart from their competition. In contrast, only 41% of employees surveyed shared that belief. This raises a good reminder that in order to maintain a strong company culture, it’s critical to build your values into every interaction and communication point in your day-to-day operations. Be a role model for your team, and be intentional with your efforts to align your actions with the company culture you wish to create. 

How Company Culture Shapes Motivation

By defining and effectively communicating your company culture, you have an incredible opportunity to shape employee motivation in a positive way. Having a well-defined company culture provides your employees with a clear sense of purpose. In fact, 40% of Canadians who took place in a recent survey on organizational culture stated that they wouldn’t accept a job that was a perfect match if the corporate culture clashed. When your team fully understands your company's mission, vision and values, they feel a strong connection to the bigger picture. In effect, this helps them become more motivated to contribute their best efforts toward the organization's success.

A strong corporate culture also creates an environment where feedback, communication and recognition are encouraged. When employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas, they feel valued and empowered. By regularly recognizing and appreciating their hard work, you create a culture of support, not fear. Everyone is more motivated to put their best foot forward and it creates a win-win situation for all. 

6 Ways to Create a Positive Company Culture

  1. Define your values

  2. Encourage open communication

  3. Recognize and reward good work

  4. Provide opportunities for growth

  5. Clearly define your “why”

  6. Foster a positive work-life balance

Creating a positive company culture requires intentional effort and commitment. But not to worry, we’ve put together six strategies to help you create a positive culture that will help your team feel more valued and motivated:

  1. Define your values

Your company's values should be at the core of everything that you do. Make sure that you communicate these values to your team and encourage them to embody these values in their work. A positive company culture can help employees feel connected to a larger purpose. When employees understand the company's mission and values, they are more likely to feel motivated to contribute to the organization's success.

2. Encourage open communication

 A positive company culture can promote transparency and open communication. Make sure you are creating an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. Encourage feedback and listen to your employees' concerns. This will help build your culture of trust and collaboration. 

3. Recognize and reward good work

When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to be motivated to perform at their best. A positive company culture can help create an environment where employees feel respected, supported, and recognized for their contributions. And, recognition might be more important than you’ve realized. According to a recent survey, 57% of employees said that feeling recognized in their current role would reduce the likelihood that they would take a call from a headhunter. This reinforces the importance of recognizing and rewarding employees who go above and beyond. This can be as simple as a thank you note or a shoutout in a team meeting. Recognizing good work can help boost morale and motivate employees to continue performing at a high level. 

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4. Provide opportunities for growth 

A positive company culture can provide employees with opportunities for growth and development. When employees feel like they are learning and growing in their roles, they are more likely to be motivated to continue performing at a high level. A few ways you can do this are through training, mentorship, and career development programs. This will help employees feel valued and invested in their work. 

5. Clearly define your “why”

Make sure your team understands the purpose and impact of what they are doing. Explain why the work you are doing is helpful to your customers, your team, the community, or your organization as a whole. In his renowned book “Start With Why” best-selling author Simon Sinek expresses the idea that people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. This concept goes beyond your customers - it applies to your team too. By showing and articulating your why, you will help create a sense of meaning and further motivation levels throughout your organization. 

6. Foster a positive work-life balance

In a recent Global Talent Trends survey, only 32% of Canadian organizations surveyed reported helping their employees set boundaries and manage their energy. When your team feels like they have the flexibility to manage their work and personal lives, they are more likely to be motivated to perform at their best. To better manage this, encourage your team to take breaks, prioritize self-care, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. This can lead to increased productivity and motivation. By promoting a positive work-life balance, you’ll show your employees that you value their well-being and that you want them to be successful both in and out of the workplace. 


Company culture plays an important role in shaping employee motivation. A positive culture can create a sense of purpose, community, and collaboration, which can lead to increased engagement and productivity. As a leader, it's important to create a positive culture that fosters employee motivation and well-being. By defining your values, encouraging open communication, recognizing good work, providing growth opportunities, and fostering work-life balance, you can create a positive culture that supports your employees' motivation and engagement. Let's work together to create a positive and productive workplace culture.

Ready to get started? Book a complimentary call today and let’s discuss the future of you and your team.

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