3 Reasons Why Mindfulness is a Recruitment Strategy Must-Have

In the current labour market, job seekers have more choice especially with those who work from home and have no intentions of returning to an office. Employers need to be creative and flexible in their total compensation package making sourcing talent and hiring new employees even more of a challenge. The recruitment process can be overwhelming even for the most experienced recruiter and hiring manager. In fast decision-making situations like extending a job offer before the competition does, we can sometimes fall on impulse which may impede our objectivity.

How do we counter this?

Through mindfulness

Jon Kabat-Zinn defines mindfulness as:

paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and without judgment

Rather than relying on impulse and our habitual ways of thinking, we can turn to mindfulness to aid us in our recruitment strategy. Mindfulness is conscious awareness. It helps us break patterns like hiring on impulse, that frankly are not always providing the best candidate selection.

Let’s examine three reasons why mindfulness is a recruitment strategy must-have.



When we pay attention on purpose, to the present moment, this allows us to mindfully listening. Mindful listening is about setting an intention to listen. This goes back to being present with those we are with. The alternative is that we are physically present but we are not paying attention on purpose to the present moment; our mind and thoughts are elsewhere.

One way to support mindful listening is through the C.A.R.E Model.

C.A.R.E Model

•(C)ONNECT to the present moment and inhale (listen to the candidate fully)

•(A)LLOW feelings to be present (notice any emotions or judgements)

•(R)ELEASE and notice when thinking takes over (let those judgements go)

•(E)XHALE and return to the present moment (continue to focus on the candidate)

We expect candidates to respect the recruitment process so we in turn should respectfully be present with them as well. Take the time to prepare your environment so you can pay attention on purpose, to the present moment and mindfully listen. Mute your phone, find a quiet space, and give your undivided attention to your candidate. The C.A.R.E model is a structured approach designed to help us to be more present and ultimately better listeners to not only those around us but to our inner emotions. Additionally and as a best practice, use a predefined set of interview questions that are consistently used with each candidate. This ensures a fair and equitable recruitment strategy. To this point of fair and equitable, we also need to be cognizant of our biases or judgements. Let’s take a closer look at how mindfulness can help us recognize and mitigate our biases.



When we notice our judgement, we can recognise and work towards overcoming our biases. While we strive to be inclusive and open in our hiring practices, the truth is we may be unaware of our biases. Leaders, hiring managers and recruiters come from a variety of walks of life and those experiences have formed impressions of those that are like us or those that are unlike us. We may not realize that there exists a bias within ourselves in the areas of race, ethnicity, age, gender or how a person looks or speaks. This is where legally defensible recruitment practices are a must but it is also imperative that we look internally at our own judgements of others. We must recognise our internal biases and mindfulness can help us with that.

Studies have shown that mindfulness can help us shift out of our habitual way of thinking. Through mindfulness we become aware of our internal triggers and through conscious awareness we can shift our normal go-to ways of thinking and behaving to new ways of thinking and behaving. How does this apply to recruiting new team members?



When we are paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, without judgement, we are able to focus on the candidate and see with clarity all they have to offer. Practicing mindfulness will help you shift away from your automatic, habitual ways of hiring. Each candidate has their own unique skills and abilities. Mindfulness will help you focus and bring clarity to the selection process allowing you to see the candidate for all they have to offer. Whether you extend a job offer or not will be based on paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, without judgement or bias. 


The three reasons why mindfulness is a recruitment strategy must-have are:

  1. When we pay attention on purpose, to the present moment, it means we are mindfully listening.

  2. When we are without judgement, we can recognize and overcome our biases.

  3. Clarity is gained when we pay attention on purpose, to the present moment, without judgement.

Mindfulness will support an improved recruitment strategy and one that will allow you to grow your team through clarity and focus.

Want to learn more, book a complimentary call with Mindful HR Services.

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